Monday, March 5, 2018

Hand Care Tips-home Remedies for Chapped Hands

Image result for care tips for handsHands are as important as your face. Do you know that your hands can show your age as it ages faster than other parts of the body. They do so much work that they should be given special care. Nothing can be more unattractive than dry uncared hands and unkempt nails. So never neglect your hands. Here you will find few natural tips to take care of your hands.

Hand Care at home

The most important thing is to keep your hands well moisturized. Apply a good hand lotion or a rich nourishing cream before going to bed.

Exfoliate your hands with a mixture of Bengal gram flour (besan),milk and fresh lemon juice regularly.

Tips for soft hands: 

Mix 1 tsp of Glycerin, half teaspoon of lemon juice with a few drops of rose water and apply it twice a day.

Blend banana, add 1-2 tsp of honey to it and apply it on the hands. Wash it off after it dries.

Mix a tsp of honey with a tbsp of beetroot paste, 2-3 drops of glycerin and apply it for soft hands and legs.

Rub peel of lemon to soften rough elbows.

Natural Home remedies for chapped hands:

Wash hands, pat dry and apply vinegar diluted in a little water and put on a pair of soft gloves. Leave it for 15 minutes. Wash with warm water and pat it dry.

Wear gloves while doing housework like washing dishes to protect your hands from the harsh chemicals.

Massage your hands with olive oil or sunflower oil. This is an effective home remedy for chapped hands.

Mix fresh cream with a tsp of sugar, few drops of lemon juice and massage your hands till the sugar granules dissolve.

Massage almond oil or almond oil mixed with egg yolk and a little honey on your hands. Wash with warm water after 15-20 minutes.

Apply coconut oil mixed with petroleum jelly to cure rough, chapped hands.

Natural scrub for dark hands

Mix almond powder, sugar, milk cream and lemon juice together and use as a scrub.

Mix white of an egg, 1 tbsp glycerin, little honey and powdered barley to make a soft paste. Apply it on your hands, leave it to dry. Then it wash off with warm water.

Follow these natural treatments regularly to have soft and beautiful hands.


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